Happy Valentine's Day - Create a Date with a Difference

Happy Valentine's Day - Create a Date with a Difference

Happy Valentine's Day!

There's always a good reason to know and use our strengths. One of them is that they help us connect better with others! This freebie is here to help you do exactly that...

It's easy to Plan Your Date with a Difference

  1. Choose who you’re taking on a date. Is it your child, your partner, a friend?
  2. Organise the date and book it in (could be at home or at a park)
  3. Become a strengths detective and get on the look out for all the strengths your child or partner are using. Use our strengths guide on the 24 Character Strengths.
  4. Write your observations in the card. Share the strengths you observed them using, what happened and how it made a difference.

A date with a difference can be with anyone you care about.

It is a fun activity to get your kids involved in. Spend the week together as a strengths detective and find out what strengths your partner/children are using. Then get everyone’s investigations and write a card detailing the strengths you observed and how they made a difference.

Ten Steps to becoming a Strengths Based Parent

Colour your Character Strengths

Take Your VIA Charcter Strength Survey

Our strengths are core to who we are, and crucially, can act as a beacon of light for our kids across their lives.

Our strengths are what gives us energy, they are what help us shine in the good times and bounce back in the hard times. They are the things we pick up quickly and the things we yearn to apply all the time. 
When you’re trying to identify the strengths of your children you can ask yourselves these questions:

  • Is your child draw to the same activity?
  • Do they show certain traits often?
  • Do they have a sense of energy/joy/satisfaction when behaving in a particular way, seeing things through a particular lens, doing a certain activity?

We hope you have fun spotting your Kids Strengths! Once you identify your children's strengths, the next step is all about how you can help you them develop their strengths and nurture their usage. Choosing activities like 'It Starts with Strengths' to really help them build their strengths. You can check it out here!





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